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Self Sufficient Backyard – The Only Book You Need to Become Self Sufficient on ¼ Acre

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Check out “The Self-Sufficient Backyard,” a digital handbook brimming with effective strategies to liberate you from hefty utility bills and monthly expenses, empowering you to lead a self-sufficient lifestyle. Whether you're dreaming of slashing electricity costs or generating extra income from your backyard, this treasure trove is your ticket to independence.

Dive into this comprehensive guide and discover the secrets to transforming your home into a self-sustaining oasis. From energy solutions to food production and water management, this resource covers all the bases, including medicinal needs. With patience and dedication, your backyard can evolve into a self-sufficient haven, freeing you from reliance on external aid.

Bid farewell to government assistance, utility bills, and grocery runs as you embark on your self-sufficiency journey armed with the invaluable insights and practical advice found within the pages of “The Self-Sufficient Backyard.” Regardless of your yard's size, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools to achieve complete independence, ensuring a sustainable future for you and your loved ones.

15 reviews for Self Sufficient Backyard – The Only Book You Need to Become Self Sufficient on ¼ Acre

4.4 out of 5
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  1. Roy J Surita (verified owner)

    My book arrived a few days ago (much faster than I’d anticipated) and I am THRILLED!!! Even after skimming just the first 20-25 pages or so I could already see that there were a number of serious mistakes I was about to make in the process of choosing and purchasing my land. Reading this book has prevented that. This book is the real deal.
    I was a little disappointed when I pulled my book out of the package; it seemed as though it was on the short side. But then I realized it is a full-sized book with regular-sized print. Ron and Johanna get right to the point. They don’t waste time with frivolous details. The result is a book that is just PACKED with essential, first-person detailed instructions and warning that I know will prove to be invaluable.
    To me, the most valuable aspect of the book is that over 40 years, Ron and Johanna have tried and tested many methods for doing everything including choosing the location for their homestead, setting up their access to water and energy, growing and storing food, designing their dwelling, managing compost, and much more. They have shared the results of their experiences and the pros and cons of each method so that readers can make well-informed choices about what methods to try.
    While it isn’t the point of the book to go into minute detail about each thing, the authors cover a comprehensive range of topics and include enough information about each one so that readers know what to conduct further research about and how to ask truly intelligent questions.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this book. I am sure that I will be eternally grateful.

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  2. Iggity7 (verified owner)

    The book is okay, but in my opinion not worth the high price. The advertising for the book neglects to tell potential buyers the author’s farming experiences all took place in New England, northern Quebec, and Nova Scotia. A lot of the advice given is not applicable to people in warmer climates. The information given on solar power, water sourcing, and crop rotation has all been in print for years, and available at much lower prices in book form, or in most cases free on the internet.

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  3. Robert J. Fullick (verified owner)

    The book is 80% telling the life story of the authors and how they’ve grown as off the grid self sufficient people, and 20% how to do the best setup backyard. That 20% is gold and makes the book worth buying. And there is lots of good lessons in the 80% too, but the stories are a bit too much on and on and on sometimes though. I have no doubt that every word and experience is a treasure to the authors.

    All and all, no regrets buying it though

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  4. Robin Sassman (verified owner)

    It is a good book.

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  5. Monika Jones (verified owner)

    Good advice and information, but some does not apply to us. We live in the hot humid south. Too much personal story for my taste. Other than that, it is a good book

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  6. Jo Tatum (verified owner)

    This was a fantastic book, but not for 70 year olds retiring. This is for someone who really wants to live strictly off the land. Great for a young couple starting out

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  7. Emily Elizabeth (verified owner)

    As someone intrigued by the idea of sustainable living, I found “The Self-Sufficient Backyard” to be an invaluable guide to turning that dream into a reality. Whether you are new to the realm of homesteading or a seasoned gardener looking to take your sustainability practices to the next level, this book offers a comprehensive approach that is both practical and actionable. Here’s why:

    Content & Coverage:
    The book covers a wide range of topics, from gardening and animal husbandry to renewable energy solutions and water conservation techniques. The information is organized in a structured manner, making it easy to jump between topics depending on your interest or need.

    Clarity & Language:
    The author employs straightforward language, sidestepping technical jargon in favor of layman’s terms. This makes the book accessible to readers of all skill levels. Illustrations and charts are used effectively to break down complex concepts, making the guide easy to understand and implement.

    Real-world Application:
    What sets this book apart is its focus on practicality. Each chapter includes actionable tips, DIY project guides, and case studies that provide real-world context. This is not a theoretical handbook but a guide intended for immediate application.

    Sustainability & Environmental Focus:
    The book places strong emphasis on eco-friendly practices, teaching you not only how to become self-sufficient but also how to do so in a manner that is kind to the Earth. This aligns well with the growing consciousness about environmental responsibility.

    My Opinion:
    In my view, “The Self-Sufficient Backyard” is a significant contribution to the literature on sustainable living and self-sufficiency. It strikes the right balance between being an educational resource and a practical guide. The book has both depth and breadth, making it an excellent reference for anyone interested in becoming more self-reliant.

    Would I recommend this book? Absolutely. Whether you have a sprawling backyard or a modest plot, the methods and ideas presented in this book can be tailored to fit your needs. It’s a resource you’ll find yourself returning to time and again as you embark on your journey towards a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

    In summary, “The Self-Sufficient Backyard” is an essential read for anyone interested in transforming their outdoor space into a sustainable, productive ecosystem. It’s a book that not only informs but empowers, providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to take control of your resources and live more sustainably.

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  8. Bill M Vance (verified owner)

    I really like this book in that it explains the topics well and covers the topics needs to become more self sufficient. Good for a beginner as well and for someone wanting to improve their sle sufficiency..

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  9. Sandi Vernay (verified owner)

    Not disappointed

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  10. Jim O’Donnell (verified owner)

    Very protective packaging, nice new book

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  11. Ann Danielsen (verified owner)

    Have not read the book yet but the product is quite satisfactory.

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  12. Jamisan Stultz (verified owner)

    My husband is thrilled to have this! We’ll be transforming our home one step at a time with this to be more self sufficient.

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  13. Mary Wade (verified owner)


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  14. Dan (verified owner)

    The book came VERY fast, and I was buried in it for hours; it’s that good. There is so much useful information and the authors have such a great writing style, coming from countless years of experience making it on their own in the wilderness. This is my new favorite book, and definitely the most useful. I can’t wait until Spring to put a lot of this into motion, and the planning is fun. You will not be disappointed!

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  15. S. Ness (verified owner)

    Yes this book is all about gardening techniques. Most of the information is for very cold climates. Even though I live in Wisconsin there wasn’t much information I really wanted to use. 231 pages on gardening about 8 -10 pages on bees same amount on chickens and composting. Sorry but for me a waste of money.

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    Self Sufficient Backyard – The Only Book You Need to Become Self Sufficient on ¼ Acre
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